van der Waal Insurance

Passionate about insurance for more than 30 years

van der Waal Insurance
Sector: SME Strategy Integration link Web development Branding

Insurance in consultation and tailored to the customer.

Peter van der Waal has been passionate about insurance for more than 30 years. He has been advising his clients for years to offer the best insurance solutions.

He has passed on this passion to his daughter Lauren van der Waal and she joined the firm in late 2020. Her eagerness to help provide service to clients is also huge.

Do you have a claim? Then they communicate in detail about what steps to follow and what to expect.
van der Waal Insurance is your claims expert, and is always on the customer's side.

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Clear range of services and insurance.

van der Waal was looking for a good and easy way to bring services and insurance to their customers online. With varia online calculators, visitors can calculate premiums themselves, or request quotes themselves.

A clear and modern website for van der Waal insurance.

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Screenshot - van der Waal Verzekeringen

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