Aglos Business Law

See more, do better

Sector: Advocacy Digital advice Server management Web development

Together, we see more.

Aglo, Esperanto for eagle, but above all a dynamic collective of ambitious business lawyers who breathe entrepreneurial spirit themselves.

An eagle is not just any bird. It is praised to the skies for its courage, strength, speed and keen eye. At AGLO'S, they look over your company's shoulder with eagle eyes to make sure nothing escapes your notice. Together, they look for solutions out of court, but they also know their way around in court.

Aglos are lawyers for entrepreneurs and their mission is clear: unburden you as an entrepreneur legally through legal strategy. Because that makes all the difference to your business.


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Renewed information channel

For Aglos Business Law, we were allowed to develop a visually fresh and spacious web platform that informs clients about its areas of expertise.
Besides the information channel, we also seek interaction with the visitor by scheduling appointments directly in the chosen lawyer's calendar.

With this new platform, Aglos Business Law can better inform its clients, and interact faster.

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